
A leading program

Indiana University (IU) has been a leader in research, language training, and area studies on Russia and Eastern Europe for over six decades. Founded in 1958, the Russian and East European Institute (REEI) is a long-time recipient of Department of Education support through the Title VI National Resource/FLAS Center program and is currently funded for the 2018-2022 grant period.

With over 90 affiliated faculty in schools, departments, and colleges across campus, REEI is a hub for innovation in scholarship and new ways of thinking about this dynamic region. REEI alumni enter their professions in industry, education, and government with high quality, interdisciplinary area studies training. Approximately 250 students are enrolled in our undergraduate, M.A., or graduate minor programs at any given time. Recent initiatives include the Russian Studies Workshop (RSW) funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York to advance research in the social sciences on contemporary Russia.

In addition to scholars and students at IU, REEI engages with other communities in Indiana and beyond. This effort includes partnerships with other units in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies to integrate global competency in Indiana K-12 classrooms, initiatives with minority serving institutions and community colleges across the United States to develop curricula that address Russia and Eastern Europe, collaborations with Montana State University and Portland State University to train in-service and pre-service teachers in Russian and East European area and language studies, provision of training in Russian and East European security issues to students in the Bluegrass State Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence (Kentucky), and service to the community of pre-college students and teachers of Russian language through administration of the ACTR Olympiada of Spoken Russian and other activities.

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