Career services
Our graduates find careers in many fields
Job placement is a high priority in our program. We pride ourselves on doing all we can to identify employment opportunities for our graduates and assist them in their job applications.
REEI regularly sends current domestic and international internship and job announcements to its students and alumni.
Other career resources include an online subscription of employment opportunities in the fields of conflict management, human rights, international development, law, government and the nonprofit sector.
Our students receive individual assistance from an advisor when researching internship, study abroad, and employment opportunities.
REEI graduates are working in the United States and dozens of foreign countries. They are employed by the U.S. Department of State and other government offices, plus a wide variety of non-governmental organizations, and in business, university administration, and other fields.
Training the next generation of Russian scholars
IU’s Russian Studies Workshop (RSW) is a research incubator and training center that integrates scholars from IU, the U.S., and Russia at various stages of their careers into an international network based on a shared commitment to research on Russia. The core goal of the Russian Studies Workshop is to address the challenges of training the next generation of social scientists in academia and government.