Robert F. Byrnes REEI Fellowship Fund

Robert F. Byrnes REEI Fellowship Fund

This fellowship honors the memory of REEI's first director by supporting an outstanding incoming M.A. student. The current award consists of a stipend and fee remission for the first year of study and is renewable for an additional year.

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This fellowship preserves the memory of the founder and first director of REEI, Robert F. Byrnes, by supporting an outstanding incoming student. The REEI Fellowship Committee awards this two-year fellowship to a deserving incoming graduate student in Russian and East European studies. The fellowship provides a stipend of $15,000, a fee remission, and health insurance. It is renewable for a modest stipend in the second year of study.

For information on how to give to the Robert F. Byrnes Memorial Fellowship, please contact Mark Trotter, at or (812) 855-7309.