REEI Area Studies Certificate

REEI Area Studies certificate

Are you interested in studying the Russian and Eastern European (REE) region, developing yourself professionally and conducting original research? We are pleased to inform you about our new Undergraduate Area Studies Certificate.

More than a minor:

24 credits total in addition to your current major credit requirements:

  • INTL-I 100 – Introduction to International Studies (3 cr.)
  • 1 x REE History/Geography Course (3cr.)
  • 1 x REE Social Sciences Course (3cr)
  • 1 x REE Literature and Culture Course (3cr.)
  • Electives in a diverse array of disciplines (6 cr.):
    • Advanced intermediate language training
    • Independent research skills or experience
    • Professional skills development or practicums / internships

Students gain critical thinking skills relating to the geographic region as well as marketable research, language, and professional skills, exploring their studies through both global and local perspectives. Our Certificate prepares students well for graduate school and careers in academia, government, NGOs, international development, and the private sector relating to the REE region.

Addenda Requirements:

2 years of an REE Language (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, or other REE languages with the approval of REEI)

To Declare:

Please contact Olga Bueva, our undergraduate academic advisor to declare your intent to pursue our Certificate or if you have any additional questions.

Credit requirements:

  • At least 9 credit hours in the certificate must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
  • At least 9 credit hours in the certificate must be completed at the 300–499 level.
  • Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the certificate.
  • A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the certificate—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.

The Hamilton Lugar School is part of the College of Arts + Sciences

The Russian and East European Institute in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies is part of the College of Arts and Sciences. You can get more information in the College of Arts and Sciences Student Portal. Figure out what classes to take to earn your degree, keep track of your progress, be aware of the College’s policies and procedures, and a whole lot more.