Faculty Resources


Summer faculty research fellowships

One summer fellowship of $6,000 will be awarded. Major objectives include support for projects nearing completion by younger faculty that are important for tenure; major projects in early stages of development that can be expected to attract substantial outside funding; significant projects nearing completion that show clear promise of early publication; and proposals that encourage research collaboration between faculty and graduate students.

All regular Institute faculty are eligible to apply. Recipients are ineligible to apply again for such awards the following year.

Application materials needed:

  • One application form for Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, which includes a project description.
  • A current curriculum vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation, one of which should come from the departmental chairperson.

Applications and all supporting materials are due on March 1 of each year.

2024-2025 application forthcoming

Faculty grants-in aid of research

Application Deadlines are October 1, January 15, and April 1, each year.

Apply Here


International faculty travel

Applications and supporting materials are due on October 1, January 15, and April 1 of every year.

Apply Here

REEI domestic conference travel grants

Applications for funding of faculty travel to conferences in North America (including Canada, Mexico, etc.) will be evaluated and awards made twice a year. Grants will not exceed $500, and faculty are encouraged to combine REEI funds with other IU sources. Only regular Russian and East European Institute affiliated faculty are eligible for support. Please contact REEI for information on becoming a faculty affiliate.

The fall application deadline is mid-September for travel that will be completed by January of the following year. If you intend to participate in a late fall conference for which you have not received official acceptance, please apply by September 20 and forward acceptance when it is received. The spring application deadline is February 1 for travel that will be completed by August 14 of that year.

Applications will be ranked on the following basis:

  1. paper presenters
  2. officers of national professional organizations whose attendance is required for committee or board meetings
  3. round table participants and panel commentators
  4. panel chairs
  5. others

There are no application forms. Applications should be submitted in the form of an email to lwgrutch@iu.edu. Please use "REEI Domestic travel grant" in the subject line and include:

  1. faculty name (and any change in contact information from last year)
  2. name of conference
  3. confirmation of participation on program
  4. short abstract or title of paper or 1 paragraph statement of importance of faculty member’s attendance

Once the applications are ranked according to the above priorities, a final funding decision will be made as soon as possible after the application deadlines. Consideration will be given to the significance of the conference, the number of times REEI has supported the faculty member’s travel in recent years, and the overall budget situation.

Global and International Studies Building
355 North Eagleson Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405-1105
tel. 812-855-7309 fax. 812-855-6411