Fellowships and Grants

Other deadlines

AWSS Travel Grants

The Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS) is pleased to be able to offer travel grants of between $200 and $1000 for scholars from Eurasia studying women’s and gender studies, who are presenting papers at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) meetings, the AWSS meetings, or the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) meetings.

Requests to support travel to other conferences will be considered if funds are available. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Scholars should complete the information listed below and submit a budget and a current CV with their application. All recipients of awards are required to submit a short (maximum 250 words) report on their grant activity within 30 days after the event for which travel was supported.

To apply: https://awsshome.org/awards/travel-grants/

Rolling deadlines

IU Bloomington announces new Eastman Residency in Martha’s Vineyard

Deadline to apply: ROLLING

An historic Martha’s Vineyard property once owned by prolific American writer and prominent political activist Max Forrester Eastman (1883-1969) will soon be a place for Indiana University Bloomington faculty in the arts and humanities to write and create. The house was a vibrant gathering place for innovative writers, artists, and thinkers; it will return to a space for artists, creative writers, and humanists on the Bloomington campus who may apply for an Eastman Fellowship for up to one month of residency in this quiet and serene location to complete books or other projects. In addition, the renovated house may be used for small retreats and conferences in the arts and humanities.

For more detail (and application): Visit Eastman Residency in Martha’s Vineyard

SRAS Study Abroad Opportunities

Deadline to apply: ROLLING

Students can study abroad in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, or Kyrgyzstan in a range of programs covering subjects related to the location (e.g. Conflict Resolution, Security Studies, Central Asian Studies, Art, Politics, etc.). Internships are also available, with particularly wide opportunities in Warsaw and Kyiv.

Deadlines and start dates vary by program. Funding opportunities: http://sras.org/Funding.

Jewish Studies Conference Funding for Graduate Students, Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University

Deadline to apply: ROLLING

Applications should be submitted to:
Dr. Carolyn Lipson-Walker, Assistant Director
Borns Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University
Global and International Studies Building
355 N. Eagleson Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-1105
clipsonw@indiana.edu; FAX (812) 855-4314.

You may visit the Jewish Studies Graduate Funding Opportunities website for more details.
*Priority will be given to Jewish Studies doctoral minors.

Jewish Studies Conference Funding for Undergraduate Students, Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University

Deadline to apply: ROLLING

For Jewish Studies Major, Certificate, and Hebrew Minor Students up to $500

No later than one month before the funds are needed and preferably earlier, an applicant must provide: 1) a one page statement describing the conference/program and explaining how it will contribute to the applicant’s Jewish Studies education and/or Jewish Studies career objectives; 2) a reference from a Jewish Studies faculty member (can be sent separately); and 3) a budget, explaining what the funds will be used for. Please submit statement, reference, and budget to the Jewish Studies Program (Global and International Studies Building-4E, 4023, 812-855-0453) or email to clipsonw@indiana.edu.

Funds are limited. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. You may visit the Jewish Studies Undergraduate Funding Opportunities website for more details.


The Center for Jewish History is proud to announce the creation of an expanded fellowship program. The program features four new endowed 10-month fellowships in addition to one existing 12-month fellowship and two short-term fellowships. The seven fellowships constitute the nucleus of a projected Institute for Advanced Jewish Historical Research.

The fellowships will support original research using the collections of the Center’s five partners: American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute. Preference will be given to those candidates who draw on the archival and library resources of more than one partner institution. The fellowships are open to a range of senior scholars, early career scholars, and advanced graduate students who have completed all the requirements (i.e., coursework, exams, dissertation proposal) for the doctoral degree apart from the dissertation.

Fellows are encouraged to spend at least three days per week in residence in the Lillian Goldman Reading Room using archival and library resources. Fellows are expected to participate in the Center for Jewish History Fellowship Seminar Program, attend all the meetings of the fellowship program cohort, present a pre-circulated paper to be discussed at one of those meetings, deliver a minimum of one lecture based on research conducted at CJH, and submit a report upon completion of the fellowship describing their experience as a Center Fellow.

For a complete list of available fellowship programs, please click below to view descriptions and application guidelines. Questions about the fellowship program may be directed to fellowships@cjh.org.

  1. The CJH Senior Scholar Fellowship (NEW)
  2. The Leon Levy Fellowship (NEW)
  3. The Sid and Ruth Lapidus Graduate Student Fellowship (NEW)
  4. The CJH Advanced Graduate Student Fellowship (NEW)
  5. The NEH Scholar in Residence
  6. Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Short-Term Graduate Public History Fellowship
  7. The CJH-Fordham University Short-Term Research Fellowship

The schedule for the application process is as follows:

  • All application materials must be received by February 19, 2024
  • Applications are to be submitted to fellowships@cjh.org

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Durham University invites expressions of interest from outstanding candidates who wish to apply for a prestigious Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship through Durham University.

We welcome enquiries from eligible candidates particularly those related to the research themes in the department (https://www.durham.ac.uk/departments/academic/modern-languages-cultures/) or to relevant University Research Centres and Institutes (https://www.dur.ac.uk/arts.humanities/research/research_centres/). Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in the University.

Candidates are required to have sought the support of a prospective academic mentor in the School and have supplied them with an up-to-date CV and 2-page (max) draft research proposal prior to submitting a full draft application. Working in conjunction with their mentor, candidates should check their eligibility to apply.

Candidates must request and complete Durham’s internal application form, available by contacting the Arts and Humanities Research Team (artsandhumanities.researchteam@durham.ac.uk). The deadline for submitting internal applications to Durham is 12 noon, Wednesday 15 November 2023.

Applicants must either hold a degree (any degree) from a UK higher education institution at the time of taking up the Fellowship or at the time of the application deadline must hold an academic position in the UK (e.d. fixed-term lectureship, fellowship) which commenced no less than 4 months prior to the closing date. Further information on the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, including details of eligibility criteria, can be found at: https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/grant-schemes/early-career-fellowships.

Candidates are also strongly advised to review the Leverhulme Trust’s policy on grant making: https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/our-approach-grant-making.

For more information or informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Maeve Minns (née Blackman) at artsandhumanities.researchteam@durham.ac.uk

Lessons of the Cold War? - Visegrad Scholarship at the Blinken OSA Archivum

Fellowship Link:


Location: Hungary

Subject Fields:

Eastern Europe History / Studies, European History / Studies, Human Rights, Modern European History / Studies, Social History / Studies

In the context of the current invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing tragic war, many analysts have claimed that we face the real end of (or the confirmation) of the Cold War and its dichotomies. What we witness would be the outright confrontation between civic liberalism and autocracy, or the “West” and the “East”. According to Stephen Kotkin, even if post-communist societies have changed, a military-police dictatorship in some former satellite countries is still fighting a “West” seen as enemy, and this has the reverse consolidating effect on the West which re-emerged and stood up against Putin.

We invite historians, researchers, political scientists, sociologists and socially engaged artists to reflect on the lessons from/of the Cold War by taking cues from the Blinken OSA Archivum collections. The applicants are encouraged to reflect on the connections as well as on the differences between current times and the past by following some recommended sub-topics listed below.

  • The importance of homegrown dissident cultures of truth telling and the related counterpropaganda in minimizing them as foreign agents.
  • Histories of Soviet invasions(1956, 1968, 1979), their stakes, misunderstandings, and miscalculations.
  • The political instrumentalization and hollowing of concepts, such as “fascism”, “Nazism,” and “imperialism”.
  • The demonizing methods of propaganda (as not just an alternative regime of facts, but as a stigmatizing tool).
  • The power of stories: revisionist and public usages of history for political ends.
  • The relationship between foreign policy, strategic security, and energy relations (at global scale, too).
  • Lessons from the international security crises (Berlin in 1961, Cuba in 1962, the Sino Soviet split).
  • Informational asymmetries (cultures of secrecy and obscure decision-making versus cultures of openness and liberalism).
  • Histories and efficacy of human rights advocacy with regards to abusive regimes.
  • Post-’89 transitions and their connections to the Cold War (reproduction of secret police networks and the new oligarchies, different understandings of the role of State, the subordination of the legal system, etc.).
  • Conditions for the maintenance/disruptions of autocratic regimes (the role of ideology, political patronage, corruption, etc.).
  • Retroactive assessment of international responses to political and security crises: the role of appeasement, of “stability”.
  • Uncovering the roots of local initiatives for autonomy and reform of politics and society in the Soviet Union, based on the extensive holdings in the Blinken OSA Archivum of Russian regional and provincial newspapers during the late perestroika period. (Work with Professor Rieber, author of Stalin as Warlord (Yale University Press, 2022)).
  • Un/silencing suppressed voices: detecting instances of epistemic violence/harm and recreating narratives of people pushed at the margins of society (ethnic, religious or sexual minorities, people with disabilities) in Cold War and transitional archives.

We recommend you refer to one of the topics in your application. Please also mention the specific collections you would like to consult. We also suggest possible collections to be investigated, such as the research corpora of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, Records of Index on Censorship, Records of the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Programs, Soviet Propaganda Film collection, Records related to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, Records of the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute, etc.

Blinken OSA Archivum collections and research tips

The archival collection and research papers of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty constitute the most comprehensive Cold War and post-Cold War archive about the problems of Communism and its aftermath in the early years of post-socialist and post-communist transition. The collection offers important tips both about facts as well as about their conceptualizations from 1949 to 1994. Scholars particularly interested in the former Soviet Union as well as in the aftermath of its dissolution can find relevant the rich collection of sub-fonds Soviet Red Archives, Samizdat Archives, and the Soviet Research Department of the RFE/RL Research Institute (to be compared with the RFE/ RL Russian broadcast recordings). These sub-fonds and series allowed the radios to extract reliable data from the massive body of media produced by the Soviet republics; the Western Press Archives contain the Western representations about the phenomena in the communist bloc and beyond it, about the transition in the 1990s. This archival collection also holds several series of biographical files about major historical figures, dissidents, leaders of national minorities, and those persecuted by the political regimes of that time.

We also suggest many other possible archival collections to be investigated, such as the records of Index on Censorship, the Soviet Propaganda Film collection, the records related to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the documents of the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute, the records of the Forced Migration projects at the Open Society Institute, the records of the International Human Rights Law Institute relating to the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, the records of the American Refugee Committee Balkan’s Programs, the Gary Filerman Collection on Hungarian Refugees from 1956, etc.

Blinken OSA Archivum research program

The current call is part of a reflexive-research program at Blinken OSA Archivum interested in connecting past issues related to oppressive regimes, censorship, violence and information manipulation to current phenomena. We would like to assess the potential of a genealogical project linking the contemporary epistemic and political crisis of democracy to past modes of inquiry and activism.


We seek to promote exchanges among people with backgrounds in the arts, humanities and social sciences in the way they think through and about archives while being concerned with current problems. From this point of view, the invitation is not only addressed to scholars working specifically on Cold War topics, but to all those interested in theories of knowledge, who would use Blinken OSA Archivum documents as props for larger reflections and activist concerns.

Fellowship requirements and Blinken OSA Archivum support

While working on their own subject, fellows will have the opportunity to collaborate with Blinken OSA Archivum researchers and to transform their archival investigation into a full research experience. The fellows are invited to give a final presentation about their research findings at Blinken OSA Archivum and the ways in which the documents were relevant to their research. The presentations are organized within the Visegrad Scholarship at Blinken OSA Archivum lecture series and as such are open for the general public.

Blinken OSA Archivum academic and archival staff will assist the fellows in their investigations, facilitate contact with the CEU community, and grant access to the CEU library. Besides its archival analogue collections, Blinken OSA Archivum can also offer access to unique, audio-visual materials related to documentary practices, a special collection of RFE (anti)propaganda books and a growing collection on digital humanities, human rights, archival theory and philosophy.

About the Fellowship:

The twenty grants of 3000 euro each are designed to provide access to the archives for scholars, artists, and journalists, and to cover travel to and from Budapest, a modest subsistence, and accommodation for a research period of eight weeks. Stipends for shorter periods are pro-rated.

Applicants, preferably but not exclusively, from a V4 country, may be researchers, students after their second degree carrying out research, or artists, journalists, academics, or both.

Scholars at risk from war zones as well as refugees of conscience (scholars fleeing authoritarian regimes) are especially invited to apply.

Submission deadlines for the 2023/24 academic year

  • November 15, 2023.


The Selection Committee will evaluate proposals on the strength of the professional quality and novelty of the research proposal, its relevance to the chosen topic and the involvement of the Blinken OSA Archivum holdings in the research. In the case of equal scores those from V4 countries have an advantage. The artists submitting proposals are kindly required to frame their application as research-based projects as well, carefully indicating the collections they will rely on. The artistic proposals will be assessed according to their merit, originality, timeliness as well as their feasibility (with regards to their reliance on available Blinken OSA Archivum collections). Blinken OSA Archivum can only offer conditions for the realization of artistic research, not for production.

Application procedure:

Please submit the following to Blinken OSA Archivum (in one merged pdf)

  1. Application letter in English (should specify expected period of stay and preferred dates and how you learnt about the scholarship (through which courses, instructors, social media groups or pages, websites, academic platforms, Blinken OSA Archivum public programs/ projects etc. you were informed about this scholarship).

    Please note that the Archive’s Research Room is closed during the Christmas period, and the research stay must end on the last day of the given academic year, July 31.

  2. Research description/plan in English (about 800 words and should include the following: introduction, presentation of the stage of research, literature on the subject, preliminary hypothesis, questions, identification of possible documents in the Blinken OSA Archivum holdings). Artists are expected to submit a portfolio, too. We recommend you refer to one of the topics in your application. Please also mention the specific collections you would like to consult.
  3. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  4. Proof of officially recognized advanced level English language exam (native speakers and those with qualification from an English language institution/degree program are exempted)
  5. Names of two referees with contact address. Letters of reference are not needed.

The Application letter, C.V., the Research description/plan, the copy of a language exam certification and the Referees’ contact information should be sent by email to Katalin Gadoros at gadoros@ceu.edu.

Selection Committee:

All members of the committee are academic staff of Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives / Central European University or the Visegrad Fund.

More Information:

To find out more about the program, please visit: https://www.osaarchivum.org/work-with-us/fellowship/visegrad-scholarship.

Contact Information:

The Application letter, C.V., the Research description/plan, the copy of a language exam certification and the Referees’ contact information should be sent by email to Katalin Gadoros at gadoros@ceu.edu.

Contact Email: gadoros@ceu.edu