Global and International Studies Building 4020 | ||||||||
NOTE: The information on this list is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, see the Registrar's page. | ||||||||
https://registrar.indiana.edu/calendars/schedule-of-classes.shtml | ||||||||
Current as of 10.14.2024 | ||||||||
REEI COURSES | ||||||||
6961 | Russian and Soviet Foreign Policy | 12:45P-2:00P | TuTh | WH 003 | Spechler D | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with REEI-R 300 | INTL-I 300 | POLS-Y 368 | ||||||||
14030 | East-West Divides in Europe | 11:10A-12:25P | TuTh | BH 016 | Sagvari B | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 349/549 | EURO-W 405 | REEI-R 300 | ||||||||
14109 | Disinformation and the State in East Europe | 9:35A-10:50A | MW | WH 002 | Storey-Nagy J | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with INTL-I 305 | REEI-R 301 | SGIS-S 300 | SGIS-S 500 | ||||||||
29752 | Jews of the Muslim East | 5:30P-6:45P | TuTh | BH 241 | Sela R | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with REEI-R 322 | INTL-I 300 | CEUS-R 322 | CEUS-R 522 | ||||||||
33514 | From Anxiety to Revolution: Survey of Polish Culture 1945-Present | 3:10P-5:40P | Th | JH A105 | Nizynska J | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with SLAV-P 365, HON-H 303, REEI-R 300, and SLAV-P 565 | ||||||||
36124 | Elementary Armenian II | 3:50-5:10P | MW | WEB | Staff | |||
Mode of Instruction: Distance Video | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with REEI-R 300 | ||||||||
REEI-R | 575 | 3130 | Graduate Readings in Russian and East European Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Goldberg H | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Institute Director and Instructor Consent Required | ||||||||
REEI-R | 601 | 3628 | Interdisciplinary Colloquium in Russian and East European Studies | 4:30P-6:30P | Tu | GA 4021 | Goldberg H | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
**If you enroll in a course marked by two asterisks, you should tell the professor at the beginning of the class that you are an AREA STUDIES student for REEI and that you wish to do your research &/or papers on a Russian or East European Area. Otherwise, the course will not count toward your degree. | ||||||||
AAAD-A | 697** | 12814 | Special Topics in AAADS | ARR | ARR | ARR | Williams J | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
ANTH-A | 600** | Seminar in Anthropology | ||||||
33426 | Scientific Communication: Writing Your 1st Article | 4:10P-6:40P | M | SB 014 | Dunn E | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with GEOG-G 615 | ||||||||
ANTH-L | 602** | 30437 | Language in/of Media | 3:55P-5:10P | MW | LH 120 | Graber K | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with ANTH-L 402 | ||||||||
BUKD-L | 596** | 13409 | Business Law and Ethics | 9:35P-10:50P | M | WEB | Shackelford S | |
Mode of Instruction: Hybrid-Distance Video and Online | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
BUS-L | 589** | 7767 | Cybersecurity Risk Management Capstone | ARR | ARR | WEB | Shackelford S | |
Mode of Instruction: 100% Online All | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
CEUS-R | 520 | 29700 | Central Asia in Soviet Times | 12:45P-2:00P | TuTh | BH 336 | Kamp M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 320 | ||||||||
CUES-R | 522 | 29724 | Jews of the Muslim East | 5:30P-6:45P | TuTh | BH 241 | Sela R | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 322 | INTL-I 300 | REEI-R 300 | REEI-R 500 | ||||||||
CEUS-R | 549 | 11793 | East-West Divides in Europe | 11:10A-12:25P | Th | BH 016 | Sagvari B | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 349 | EURO-W 405 | SOC-S 346 | REEI-R 300 | REEI-R 500 | ||||||||
29726 | Statesmen of Destiny | 12:45P-2:00P | MW | GA 1134 | Borhi L | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 349 | INTL-I 300 | ||||||||
31292 | Soviet-American Rivalry: East Central Europe | 2:20P-3:35P | MW | ED 1250 | Borhi L | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 349 | INTL-I 300 | ||||||||
CEUS-R | 599 | 29698 | Central Eurasian Cities | 2:20P-3:35P | MW | PY 115 | Bovingdon G | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 399 | ||||||||
29696 | Introduction to Social Indicators Research | 3:55P-5:10P | TuTh | TV 250 | Sagvari B | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 399 | ||||||||
CEUS-R | 600 | 1561 | Advanced Readings in Baltic-Finnish Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Kivik P | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
CEUS-R | 610 | 4132 | Advanced Readings in Central Asian Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Bovingdon G | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
4133 | Advanced Readings in Central Asian Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Kamp M | |||
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
CEUS-R | 640 | 4134 | Advanced Readings in Hungarian Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Varga V | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
4135 | Advanced Readings in Hungarian Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Borhi L | |||
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
CSCI-B | 659** | 32462 | Advanced Machine Learning for Computational Linguistics | 2:20P-3:35P | TuTh | BH 121 | Cavar D | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with LING-L 715 | ||||||||
32464 | User-facing Language Technologies | 2:20P-3:35P | MW | BH 503 | Tyers F | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with LING-L 715 | ||||||||
DATA SCIENCE (DSCI) | ||||||||
DSCI-D | 699** | 12382 | Graduate Independent Study in Data Science | ARR | ARR | ARR | Cavar D | Allen S | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Instructor Consent Required | ||||||||
12383 | Graduate Independent Study in Data Science | ARR | ARR | ARR | Cavar D | Allen S | |||
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Instructor Consent Required | ||||||||
EALC-E | 505 | 33375 | Central Eurasian Cities | 2:20P-3:35P | MW | PY 115 | Bovingdon G | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with CEUS-R 599 | ||||||||
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | ||||||||
GEOG-G | 615** | 30264 | Scientific Communication: Writing Your 1st Article | 4:10P-6:40P | M | SB 014 | Dunn E | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with ANTH-A 600 | Kerler D | |||||||
GNDR-G | 695** | 4315 | Graduate Readings and Research in Gender Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Bucur-Deckard M | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
HISTORY (HIST) | ||||||||
HIST-H | 640 | 32480 | Colloquium in Russian History | 7:15pm-9:15P | Tu | BH 012 | Bruno A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
HIST-H | 699** | 29287 | History of Disability | 3:10P-5:10P | W | BH 214 | Bucur-Deckard M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
HIST-H | 740 | 33938 | Seminar in Russian History | 7:15P-9:15P | Tu | BH 012 | Bruno A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with HIST-H 640 | ||||||||
ILS-Z | 504** | 29734 | Cataloging | 8:00A-9:15A | MW | I 107 | Morrison A | Dantchenko L | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
JTSU-H | 595** | 2249 | Directed Readings in Jewish Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Roseman M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
LAW-B | 565** | 30122 | International Criminal Law | 4:30P-5:25P | MTuW | LW 122 | Waters T | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
LAW-B | 655** | 8149 | Information Privacy Practicum | 6:30P-7:30P | M | WEB | Shackelford S | |
Non-Standard Session 2/10/2025 - 4/21/2025 | ||||||||
Mode of Instruction: Distance Synchronous Video | ||||||||
LAW-B | 665** | 12864 | International Law | 1:15P-2:10P | MTuW | LW 216 | Watres T | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Law-B | 710** | 9380 | Independent Clinical Projects | 5:00P-6:15P | M | WEB | Shackelford S | Nti Asare I | Bose S | |
Mode of Instruction: Distance Synchronous Video | ||||||||
Meets with GRAD-C 516 | ||||||||
LING-L | 542** | 12657 | Phonological Analysis | 11:10A-12:25P | TuTh | BH 141 | Cavar M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
LING-L | 614** | 5689 | Alternative Syntactic Theories | 10:10A-12:25P | TuTh | BH 245 | Cavar D | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
LING-L | 690** | 4828 | Advanced Readings in Linguistics | ARR | ARR | ARR | Tylers F | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
4835 | Advanced Readings in Linguistics | ARR | ARR | ARR | Cavar M | |||
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
7280 | Advanced Readings in Linguistics | ARR | ARR | ARR | Cavar D | |||
Mode of Instruction: Independent/Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
MEDIA SCHOOL (MSCH) | ||||||||
MSCH-C | 792** | 30282 | Film and Realism | 2:20P-4:50P | Th | FF 017 | Malitsky J | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
POLS-Y | 673** | 12850 | Empirical Theory and Methodology | 1:55P-4:25P | M | ED 3004 | Isaac J | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with POLS-Y 675 | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
POLS-Y | 675** | 6832 | Political Philosophy | 1:55P-4:45P | M | ED 3004 | Isaac J | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with POLS-Y 673 | ||||||||
PPOLS-Y | 757** | 14138 | Comparative Politics | 2:20P-4:50P | MW | AC C112 | Smyth R | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with POLS-Y 332 | ||||||||
SGIS-S | 500 | 14111 | Disinformation and the State in East Europe | 9:35A-10:50A | MW | WH 002 | Storey-Nagy J | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with INTL-I 305 | REEI-R 301 | SGIS-S 300 | REEI-R 500 | ||||||||
SLAV-C | 564 | 29543 | Modern Czech Literature and Culture | 3:55P-5:10P | TuTh | BH229 | Cravens C | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with HON-H 303 | SLAV-C 364 | ||||||||
SLAV-P | 564 | 29555 | Survey of Polish Literature and Culture II | 3:10P-5:40P | Th | JH A105 | Nizynska J | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with Hon-H 303 | SLAV-P 365 | ||||||||
SLAV-P | 565 | 12681 | Seminar in Polish Literature and Culture: The Wild Side of Cinema | 3:55P-6:25P | M | BH 229 | Sicinski L | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with HON-H 303 | SLAV-P 365 | ||||||||
SLAV-R | 502 | 29531 | Fifth Year Russian II: Literature | 11:35A-12:25P | MWF | JH A107 | Shrager M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with SLAV-R 422 | ||||||||
SLAV-R | 503 | 29532 | Graduate Readings in Slavic Studies | 3:55P-5:10P | MW | BH 240 | Shrager M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
SLAV-R | 553** | 11365 | Central European Cinema | 5:30P-8:00P | MW | IF 0119 | Cravens C | |
Second Eight Weeks | ||||||||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with SLAV-T 366 | ||||||||
SLAV-R | 564 | 11632 | Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn | 3:55P-5:10P | TuTh | SE 240 | Geballe E | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Meets with SLAV-R 264 | ||||||||
SLAV-S | 540 | 14410 | Graduate Readings in Slavic Studies | ARR | ARR | ARR | Valentino R | |
Mode of Study: Independent / Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
SLAV-S | 560 | 29540 | Special Topics in Slavic Studies: History and Theory of Translation | 2:20P-3:35P | TuTh | ED 3004 | Geballe E | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
SLST-T | 534** | 4921 | Methods of Teaching ESL/EFL to Adults | 4:45P-6:00P | MW | BH 312 | Friedman D | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
SPEA-E | 579** | 3170 | Readings in Environmental Science | ARR | ARR | ARR | Meretsky V | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent / Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
9621 | Readings in Environmental Science | ARR | ARR | ARR | Meretsky V | |||
Mode of Instruction: Independent / Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
SPEA-E | 625** | 3171 | Research in Environmental Science | ARR | ARR | ARR | Meretsky V | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
9622 | Research in Environmental Science | ARR | ARR | ARR | Meretsky V | |||
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
SPEA-F | 542** | 30447 | Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting | 3:55P-5:10P | MW | PV 272 | Moldogaziev T | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
SPEA-F | 560** | 6269 | Public Finance & Budgeting | 9:35P-10:50P | TuTh | PV 278 | Moldogaziev T | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
SPEA-F | 609** | 6271 | Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration | 12:45P-2:00P | TuTh | PV 275 | Duncan D | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
SPEA-P | 507** | 6267 | Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs | 3:55P-5:10P | MW | PV 274 | Alexeev M | |
Lab Section meets on Thursdays | 5:30P-7:30P | Th | PV A201 | |||||
SPH-E | 655** | 11498 | Infectious Disease Epidemiology | 2:20P-3:35P | MW | WH 114 | Litvinova M | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
SPH-E | 799** | 14374 | Dissertation Research in Epidemiology | ARR | ARR | ARR | Litvinova M | |
Mode of Instruction: Independent / Directed Study | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 511** | 7724 | Graduate Digital Art | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 521** | 7586 | Graduate Fibers | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 531** | 7614 | Graduate Painting | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 541** | 10801 | Graduate Printmaking | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 551** | 7596 | Graduate Graphic Design | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 561** | 7523 | Graduate Ceramics | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 570** | 9351 | Graduate Topics in Sculpture | 9:10A-11:55A | MW | AZ A107 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 370 | SOAD-S 470 | | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 571** | 7566 | Graduate Sculpture | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 581 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 581** | 7580 | Graduate Metalsmithing and Jewelry Design | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 571 | SOAD-S 591 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 591** | 7575 | Graduate Photography | 12:45P-3:30P | MW | AZ A102 | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | Smith M | |||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Department Consent Required | ||||||||
Meets with SOAD-S 511 | SOAD-S 521 | SOAD-S 531 | SOAD-S 541 | SOAD-S 551 | SOAD-S 561 | SOAD-S 781 | SOAD-S 581 | ||||||||
SOAD-S | 770** | 7690 | Sculpture Advanced Studio Projects | ARR | ARR | ARR | Stanislav A | |
Mode of Instruction: In Person | ||||||||
Required Fee for Enrollment in This Class | ||||||||
Instructor Consent Required | ||||||||