Drawing upon funds in the REEI Mellon Endowment, REEI administers a range of short-term grants to support student research and learning with a focus on the Russian and East European regions.
Student Conference Travel Grant: To help graduate students present their research at major association meetings and conferences. Student travel reimbursement is limited to minimum airfare or mileage (per IU guidelines), one night lodging, and conference registration fee. Students may also be eligible for conference travel support from the College of Arts and Sciences,
Please check with your home department graduate advisor to see if you can be nominated. REEI domestic conference travel grants will not exceed $500 and international grants will not exceed $750. Deadlines: October 1, January 15, and April 1 (if funds available).
Grant-In-Aid of Research: To help graduate students in Russian and East European area studies who require modest support (up to $750/year) for research-related travel (domestic or international), travel for participation in a structured internship program, or travel for advanced language study. The grants may also be used for expenses related to publication of completed research projects. Students applying under this program may also be eligible for support under OVPIA International Enhancement Grants,
Please discuss your plans with the REEI Associate Director before submitting your application. Deadlines: October 1, January 15, and April 1 (if funds available).
Pre-Dissertation Grant: To support research-related travel for preliminary dissertation field activities such as exploring potential research sites, archives, and other research resources; establishing institutional affiliations; and identifying and meeting with local scholars, archivists, and professional contacts. Grants are primarily intended for doctoral students who will apply in the next academic year for external funding to conduct their dissertation research abroad. Students who have reached the ABD stage and formally begun dissertation research are not eligible for funding under this program. REEI/Mellon Pre-Dissertation Grants are limited to $2,000 per student paid as travel reimbursement. Deadline: mid-February.
The IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs (OVPIA) also conducts university-wide competitions for pre-dissertation travel grants. Students applying to the OVPIA competition are encouraged to submit one copy of their completed OVPIA application plus supporting materials to REEI, rather than submit two separate applications. For OVPIA application forms contact: https://global.iu.edu/resources/students/pre-dissertation/index.html
(deadline: varies – around February 1 to March 1 each year).
Each REEI/Mellon Endowment graduate student application packet requires the following material:
- One letter of recommendation (preferably from the student's academic advisor). The letter should address the specific project for which the student is applying for aid. This should be sent to the REEI Associate Director, Lindsey Grutchfield lwgrutch@iu.edu
- Current transcript of IU graduate work (unofficial transcript sufficient).
- CV or list of academic honors.
- Itemized budget of expected expenditures.
For Grants-in-Aid of Research and Pre-Dissertation Grants:
A statement of 1000 words or less describing educational goals, career interests, and plans. The statement should describe the project and the specific purposes for which aid is sought. It should also address how this activity will further the applicant’s academic progress and ultimately help achieve career goals.
For Student Conference Travel Grants:
An abstract of the paper and a copy of the conference program (or notification of the acceptance of the paper).